


  • How do we get the process started?

    Whatever services you require, the best way to get started is to get in touch. We’ll get back to you to arrange a consultation meeting so we can find out what you want to achieve. The process will then evolve from there, depending on your requirements.

  • How long will my building project take?

    As all construction projects are different, it is impossible to provide a general answer to this question. However, we can provide you with a customised estimate on the timescales involved once we know more about your project.

  • Do you charge for quotes or estimates?

    We don’t charge for new build estimates, and there is no obligation when we provide you with an estimate. The same applies to quotes for our painting and interior design services, as well as most renovation project quotes. You will only start incurring costs when contracts are signed.

  • What do your interior design services involve?

    Interior design is a creative process where we will give you advice and recommendations to make your home as attractive and comfortable as possible. We can also manage the process of buying the items and ensuring they are properly installed.

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